
Don't Forget to Remember.

7 years ago today, tragedy struck the United States. I think most of us have forgotten all the events of this day, but today please take a moment to remember all the people who lost their lives and who are still serving our country because of this single day in history.

I will always remember where I was when I heard the news. I was a senior in high school. My boyfriend at the time had left the day before to go to boot camp in North Carolina. I was really really really worried. I was in a classroom and it was almost time for us to go to 2nd period by the time we heard of it. Our teacher turned on the tv and we watched the news in shock. After a while, we continued with our regular class schedules, but I remember all the teachers left their tvs on for us so that we could stay updated. It was a really hard day. Do you remember where you were? Share it in the comments if you would like.

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