
The Sun is Shinin'

Nothing like a little warm[er] weather to put the pep back in your step. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike winter, I actually love the snow and the colder temperatures. Not to mention that I love wearing one of my many coats and bundling up to go outside...oh and I can't forget hot chocolate and cappuccino! But about this time every year, you know what I'm talking about...when you get a little glimpse of spring...the first day that the temp is above 50, I get a little smile on my face. The warmer weather of spring means my birthday is just around the corner!

This year, however, there are a few more things that are helping make that little smile a lot bigger. For those of you who aren't aware (let's face it, that can't be that many...I've pretty much been shouting it from the rooftops!) my nephew, Cooper Alan, will be here in less than 2 months! I. cannot. wait. I've been told that this is going to be quite an experience. It will definitely be the closest thing I have ever felt to having my own child. I already love that little guy SO much! I just know that it will intensify when I see him for the first time and hold him in my arms. His official due date is April 18th. I'm sure his mommy would disagree, but it seems like just yesterday when the proud parents-to-be were sitting across from me reassuring me that YES, in fact, they really were expecting. Now, it's almost time. He will be here so soon! I haven't felt him kick yet, but I'm holding out to feel his little feet before he arrives. Must mean that he is going to be stubborn like his daddy. :)

I have been giving my house some tlc lately. I had all new windows installed and can tell quite a big difference in the draft situation. I am actually a little excited to get my utility bill this month and see how much money these pretty things are going to save me!

God has blessed me more than I would ever have expected this past year. It's amazing to me how much He has done in my life since I gave Him back His rightful spot. I see everything with new eyes; colors seem brighter, flowers smell better, music sounds sweeter...things are great! I have also been spending time with someone who has brought so much joy into my life. I thank God for him and look forward to what is in store in every aspect of my life. I am making myself available to whatever opportunities arise!

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